haitian school children

haitian school children

Friday, March 13, 2015

March 12, 2015

by Renie Pavilon

Greetings from Haiti. It’s been an amazing week, and hard to believe tomorrow is our last day of clinic.  We’ve traversed this area of Leogane to see many Haitian people in need of medical assistance.  Young and old have come to our “pop-up” clinic to see the doctors and nurses and to receive care.  Care is the reason the Epiphany and St. Paul’s team came to Haiti.  We are not here for a tropical vacation, but we care enough to take time to bring compassion to our brothers and sisters in need.  If you’ve read any of the blogs from earlier this week you have learned that this country is still recovering from disaster. It is a dusty and poor island only 90 minutes from Miami, but WORLDS away! We have learned that many people do not have jobs, nor can they find work. Many women work as “vendors” which means they sell, or really resell, whatever they can to earn money to feed themselves or their families.  The reality is an extraordinary unemployment rate of 80% (and we think 8% is bad in the US)!  I’m learning a lot about this country and its many people who have little or no healthcare.  There are hospitals and clinics, but they must pay. Unfortunately, with so little opportunity for work, it’s hard for many people to earn money to cover anything more than the very basic human needs of food and shelter.

Back to caring. The reason our group is here is to bring compassion and care to people who have very little means to care for their own families. There are 22 of us from the US, 5 Haitian medical staff and 12 interpreters who gather each morning. I am amazed, and so proud, of every member of our mission team.  Each and every person cares very much about the job they came here to do.  I can honestly say we are all excited to get up early in the morning (OK maybe not Henry) and begin our day; we leave the guest house at 8:30am and return a bit dusty, but fulfilled, by 6:00pm.  It is a long day, but there is joy in working hard to bring care and compassion to those who really need support.  It does really feel like a mission from God.  And I am so thankful for the new friends I’ve made - both Haitians and my neighbors at home in Massachusetts.  I can’t wait to see many of you who will read this blog and tell you more stories, and show you all the photos of my wonderful ‘vacation’ in the Caribbean!  Peace.

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